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**Graduate ***postdoc under my supervision

Peer-reviewed journal publications

  1. Brooks, G.C., **Chandler, H.C., Jiao, Y. Childs, D.Z., and Haas, C.A. 2023. Predicting the population viability of an endangered amphibian under environmental and demographic uncertainty. Population Ecology. (accepted)
  2. **Hilling, C.D., Schmitt, J.D., Jiao, Y., Orth, D.J. 2023.Predatory Impacts of Invasive Blue Catfish in an Atlantic Coast Estuary. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 
  3. **Chandler, H.C., Caruso, N.M., McLaughlin, D.L., Jiao, Y., Brooks, G.C., and Haas, C.A. 2023. Forecasting the flooding dynamics of flatwoods salamander breeding wetlands under future climate change scenarios. PeerJ. 11:e16050
  4. **Hilling, C.D., Jiao, Y., Fabrizio, M.C., Angermeier, P.L., Bunch, A.J., Orth, D.J. 2023. A size-based stock assessment model for invasive blue catfish in a Chesapeake Bay sub-estuary during 2001–-2016. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 30(1), 70-88.
  5. **Zhang, Y., Jiao, Y., and Latour, R. 2023. Nonlinearity and spatial autocorrelation in species distribution and modeling: an example based on weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) in the mid-Atlantic Bight. Fishes, 8(1), 27;
  6. **Bi, R., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2021. Climate driven spatiotemporal variations in seabird bycatch hotspots and implications for seabird bycatch mitigation. Scientific Reports. 11, 20704.
  7. **Bi, R., Jiao, Y., Weaver, A., Greenlee, B., McClair, G., Kipp, K., Wilke, K., Haas, C., Smith, E. 2021. Environmental and anthropogenic influence on spatiotemporal dynamics of Alosa in selected tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. Ecosphere. e03544. 
  8. **Ma, Q., Jiao, Y., Zhou, C., and Ren, Y. 2021. Sexual and spatio-temporal variation of Lake Erie Walleye growth and maturity: A consequence of multiple impacting factors. Aquaculture and Fisheries.
  9. **Hilling, C.D., Jiao, Y., Bunch, A.J., Greenlee, R.S., Schmitt, J.D., Orth, D.J. 2021. Growth dynamics of invasive Blue Catfish in four subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
  10. **Bi, R., ***Zhou, C., and Jiao, Y. 2020. Detection of fish movement patterns across management unit boundaries using age-structured Bayesian hierarchical models with tag-recovery data. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243423. 
  11. Brooks, G.C., Gorman, T.A., Jiao, Y., Haas, C.A. 2020. Reconciling larval and adult sampling methods to model growth across life-stages. PLoS ONE. 15(8): e0237737.
  12. ***Zhou, C., Brothers, N., Browder, J., and Jiao, Y. 2020. Seabird bycatch loss rate variability in pelagic longline fisheries. Biological Conservation. 247, 108590.
  13. **Li, M., Jiao, Y., Xu, B., Zhang, C., Xue, Y., Ren, Y. 2020. Spatial analyses of the influence of autocorrelation on seasonal diet composition of a marine fish species. Fisheries Research. 228, 105563. 
  14. **Hilling, C.D., Jiao, Y., Bunch, A.J., and Phelps, Q.E. 2020. A simulation study to evaluate biases in population characteristics estimation associated with varying bin numbers in size-based age subsampling. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 40: 675-690.
  15. **Bi, R., Jiao, Y., Bakka, H., and Browder, J. 2020. Long-term climate ocean oscillations inform seabird bycatch from pelagic longline fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 77(2): 668-679.
  16. **Ma, Q., Jiao, Y., Ren, Y., and Xue, Y. 2020. Population dynamics modelling with spatial heterogeneity for yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) along the coast of China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 39:107–119.
  17. **Li, M., Jiao Y., Bi, R., Ren, Y. 2020. Population status and distribution of whitespotted conger (Conger myriaster) in Yellow Sea: an important migratory species along coastal China with limited data. Fisheries Oceanography. 29:32-45.
  18. ***Zhou, C., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2019. How much do we know about seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries? A simulation study on the potential bias caused by the usually unobserved portion of seabird bycatch. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220797 
  19. ***Zhou, C., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2019. K-aggregated transformation of discrete distributions improves modeling count data with excess ones. Ecological Modelling.  407, 108726.
  20. ***Liu, C., Liu, J., Jiao, Y., Tang, Y., and Reid, K. 2019. Exploring spatial nonstationary environmental effects on species distribution: a case study of Yellow Perch in Lake Erie. PeerJ 7:e7350
  21. ***Zhou, C., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2019. Seabird bycatch vulnerability to pelagic longline fisheries: ecological traits matter. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-12.
  22. **Bi, R., Jiao, Y., ***Zhou, C., and Hallerman, E. 2019. A Bayesian spatiotemporal approach to inform management unit appropriateness. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 76(2): 217-237 .
  23. **Hilling, C., Bunch, A.J., Greenlee, R.S., Orth, D.J. and Jiao, Y. 2018. Natural Mortality and Size-Structure of Introduced Blue Catfish in Virginia Tidal Rivers. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Management Agencies. 5: 30-38
  24. **Li, Y., Wagner, T., Jiao, Y., Lorantas, R., and Murphy, C.A. 2018. Evaluating spatial and temporal variability in growth and mortality for recreational fisheries with limited catch data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 75(9): 1436-1452
  25. ***Liu, C., Jiao, Y., Reid, K.B., Tang, Y., and Ma, S. 2018. Habitat supply for Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) varies with space, time and life-stage in Lake Erie. Hydrobiologia. 808:371-386
  26. **Ma, Q, Jiao, Y., and Ren, Y. 2017. Linear mixed-effects models to describe length-weight relationships for Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys Polyactis) along the north coast of China. PLoS One 12(2): e0171811.
  27. **Hatch, J. M., Jiao, Y. 2016. A comparison between traditional and measurement-error growth models for weakfish Cynoscion regalis. PeerJ 4:e2431; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2431
  28. **Hua, D., Jiao, Y., Neves, R. J. and Jones, J. 2016. Modeling of periodic growth and growth cessations in the federally endangered freshwater mussel Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens) using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Endangered Species Research 31:325-336. DOI:
  29. Jiao, Y., O’Reilly, R., Smith, E., and Orth, D. 2016. Integrating spatial synchrony/asynchrony of population distribution into stock assessment models: a spatial hierarchical Bayesian statistical catch-at-age approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73:1725-1738. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw036
  30. **Li, Y., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2016. Modeling spatially-varying ecological relationships using geographically weighted generalized linear model: a simulation study based on longline seabird bycatch. Fisheries Research 181: 14-24.
  31. **Li, Y., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2016. Assessment of seabird bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic pelagic longline fishery, with an extra exploration on modeling spatial variation. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73:2687-2694. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw088
  32. Houston, C., Rypel, A., Jiao, Y., Haas, C., and Gorman, T. 2016. Hindcasting historical breeding conditions for an endangered salamander in ephemeral wetlands of the Southeastern USA: implications of climate change. PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150169
  33. ***Liu, C., Wan, R., Jiao, Y., and Reid, K. 2016. Exploring nonstationary and scale-dependent relationships between walleye (Sander vitreus) distribution and habitat variables in Lake Erie. Marine and Freshwater Research 68:270-281.
  34. Han, D., **Ma, Q., Xue, Y., Jiao, Y., and Ren, Y. 2016. Feeding habits of Amblychaeturichthys hexanema in Jiaozhou Bay based on carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Analysis. Periodical of Ocean University of China 3: 67-73.
  35. Wang, J., Xu, B., Ren, Y. and Jiao, Y. 2016. Size spectrum of fish community and its seasonal change in the Yellow River Estuary and its adjacent waters. Periodical of Ocean University of China 7: 44-53.
  36. **Li, Y., and Jiao, Y. 2015. Modeling spatial patterns of rare species using eigenfunction-based spatial filters: an example of modified delta model for zero-inflated data. Ecological Modeling 299:51-63.
  37. Wang, J., Jiao, Y., Ren, Y., Xue, Y., Ji, M., and Xu, B. 2015. Comparative study on two computing methods for estimating Shannon-Wiener diversity index. Journal of Fisheries of China 39: 1257-1263.
  38. Stich, D., Jiao, Y., and Murphy, B. 2015. Life, death, and resurrection: accounting for state uncertainty in survival estimation from tagged grass carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:321-330.
  39. **Li, Y., and Jiao, Y. 2015. Evaluation of stocking strategies for endangered white abalone using a hierarchical demographic model. Ecological Modeling 299:14-22.
  40. ***Wang, Y. and Jiao, Y. 2015. Estimating time-based instantaneous total mortality rate based on the age-structured abundance index. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 32:1-18.
  41. **Hua, D., Jiao, Y., Neves, R.J., and Jones, J. 2015. Using PIT tags to assess individual heterogeneity in a mark-recapture study of laboratory-reared juveniles of the endangered Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens). Ecology and Evolution 5:1076-1087.
  42. **Tang, M., Jiao, Y., and Jones, J.W. 2014. A hierarchical Bayesian approach for estimating freshwater mussel growth based on tag-recapture data. Fisheries Research 149: 24-32.
  43. **Hua, D., Neves, R.J., and Jiao, Y. 2014. Effects of algal density, water flow and substrate type on culturing juveniles of the rainbow mussel (Villosa iris) (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in a laboratory recirculating system. Aquaculture 416-417: 367-373.
  44. **Li, Y., and Jiao, Y. 2013. Modeling seabird bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic pelagic longline fishery: a simulation study on random year effect versus fixed year effect. Ecological Modeling 260: 36-41.
  45. Stich, D., Dicenzo, V., Frimpong, E., Jiao, Y., and Murphy, B. 2013. Growth and population size of grass carp incrementally stocked for hydrilla control. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31: 14-25.
  46. **Yu, H., Jiao, Y., and Carstenson, B. 2013. Performance comparison between spatial interpolation and GLM/GAM in estimating relative abundance indices through a simulation study. Fisheries Research 147: 186-195.
  47. **Li., Y., Browder, J. and Jiao, Y. 2012. Hook effects on seabird bycatch in the United States Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 88: 559-569.
  48. **Yu, H., Jiao, Y., Su, Z., and Reid, K. 2012. Performance comparison of traditional sampling designs and adaptive sampling designs for fishery-independent surveys: a simulation study. Fisheries Research 113:173-181.
  49. Jiao, Y., Smith, E., O’Reilly, R., and Orth, D. 2012. Modeling nonstationary natural mortality in catch-at-age models: an example using the Atlantic weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69:105-118.
  50. Jiao, Y., Cortes, E., Andrews, K. and Guo, F. 2011. Poor-data and data-poor species stock assessment using a Bayesian hierarchical approach. Ecological Applications 21:2691-2708.
  51. **Leaf, R., Jiao, Y., Murphy, B., Kramer, J., and Sorensen, K. 2011. Life history characteristics of Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes. Copeia 559-565.
  52. ***Winter, A., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J.A. 2011. Modeling low rates of seabird bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic longline fishery. Waterbirds 34:289-303.
  53. **Li, Y., Jiao, Y., and Reid, K. 2011. Gillnet saturation in Lake Erie: effects of soak time and fish accumulation on catch-per-unit-effort of walleye and yellow perch. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:280-290.
  54. **Li, Y., Jiao, Y., and Reid, K. 2011. Assessment of landed and non-landed by-catch of walleye, yellow perch and white perch from the commercial gillnet fisheries of Lake Erie, 1994-2007. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37:325-334.
  55. **Yu, H., Jiao, Y., and Winter, A. 2011. Catch rate standardization of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Erie: a comparison between the Generalized Linear Model, Spatial Generalized Linear Model, and Generalized Additive Model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:905-918.
  56. **Li, Y., and Jiao, Y. 2011. Influences of gillnet fishing on lake sturgeon bycatch in Lake Erie and implications in conservation. Endangered Species Research 13:253-261.
  57. **Li, Y., Jiao, Y., and **He, Q. 2011. Decreasing uncertainty in catch rate analyses using Delta-AdaBoost: an alternative approach in catch and bycatch analyses with high percentage of zeros. Fisheries Research 107:261-271.
  58. ***Ruan, N., Gao, D., and Jiao, Y. 2010. Canonical dual least square method for solving general nonlinear systems of equations. Computational Optimization with Application 47:335-347.
  59. Jiao, Y., Rogers-Bennett, L., Taniguchi, I., Butler. J., and Crone, P. 2010. Incorporating temporal variation in the growth of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) using hierarchical Bayesian growth model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:730-742.
  60. Jiao, Y., Reid, K., and Nudds, T. 2010. Consideration of uncertainty in the design and use of harvest control rules. Scientia Marina 74:371-384.
  61. Jiao, Y., Lapointe N., Angermeier, P.L., and Murphy, B. 2009. Hierarchical demographic approaches for assessing invasion dynamics of non-indigenous species: an example using northern snakehead (Channa argus). Ecological Modelling 220:1681-1689.
  62. Jiao, Y., Reid, K., Nudds, T., and Smith, E. 2009. Graphical evaluation of fishery status with a likelihood inference approach. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1106-1118.
  63. Jiao, Y. 2009. Regime shift in marine ecosystems and implications for fisheries management, a review. Review in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19:177–191.
  64. Jiao, Y., *Hayes, C., and Cortés, E. 2009. Hierarchical Bayesian approach for population dynamics modelling of fish complexes without species-specific data. ICES Journal of Marine Science 66:367-377.
  65. **Hayes, C., Jiao, Y., and Cortes, C. 2009. Stock assessment of scalloped hammerhead sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1406–1417.
  66. Jiao, Y., Neves, R., and Jones, J. 2008. Models and model selection uncertainty in estimating growth rates of endangered freshwater mussel populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2389-2398.
  67. **Leaf, R., Rogers-Bennett, L., and Jiao, Y. 2008. Exploring the use of a size-based egg-per-recruit model for the red abalone fishery in California. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1638-1647.
  68. Chen, Y., Jiao, Y., Sun, C.L., and Chen, X. 2008. Calibrating virtual population analysis for fisheries stock assessment. Aquatic Living Resources 21:89-97.
  69. Jiao, Y., Reid, K., and Nudds, T. 2006. Variation in the catchability of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in the fisheries of Lake Erie using a Bayesian error-in-variable approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science 63:1695-1704.
  70. Jiao, Y., Chen, Y., and Wroblewski, J. 2005. An application of composite risk assessment method in assessing fisheries status. Fisheries Research 72:173-183.
  71. Jiao, Y., and Chen, Y. 2004. An application of generalized linear model in production model and sequential population analysis. Fisheries Research 70:367-376.
  72. Jiao, Y., Chen, Y., Schneider, D., and Wroblewski, J. 2004. A simulation study of impacts of error structure on modeling stock-recruitment data using generalized linear models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:122-133.
  73. Jiao, Y., Schneider, D., Chen, Y., and Wroblewski, J. 2004. An analysis of error structure in modeling the stock-recruitment data of gadoid stocks using generalized linear models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:134-146.
  74. Chen, Y., Jiao, Y., and Chen, L. 2003. Developing robust frequentist and Bayesian fish stock assessment methods. Fish and Fisheries 4:105-120.
  75. Jiao, Y., Chen, D., Liu, Q., Zhong, C., Zeng, X., and Ren, Y. 2001. Biological Characteristics of some small species in Engraulidae and Clupeidae. Journal of Fisheries of China 25:323-329.
  76. Chen, D., Jiao, Y., Liu, Q., Zeng, X., and Ren, Y. 2000. Fish species diversity in the Yellow River estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 19:125-135.
  77. Chen, D., Shen, W., Liu, Q., Jiao, Y., Zeng, X., and Ren, Y. 2000. The geographical characteristics and fish species diversity in the Laizhou Bay and Yellow River estuary. Journal of Fisheries Science in China 7:46-52.
  78. Gao, T., Zhang, X., Atanabe, E., and Jiao, Y. 2000. Genetic relationship among seven Grapsidae species. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 24:622-629.
  79. Jiao, Y., Xing, Z., Yang, X., and Lian, J. 2000. Comparative analysis of the skulls of Bastard halibut (Paralichthys olivaceus) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao 30:265-269.
  80. Jiao, Y., and Chen, D. 2000. The diversity and distribution of goatfish (Mulliidae) in Western Pacific. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao 30:48-56.
  81. Jiao, Y., Chen, D., and Ren, Y. 1999. Fish species diversity of lizard fishes (Synodontidae) in the Western Pacific. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao 29:617-626.
  82. Chen, D., and Jiao, Y. 1999. Tightening the management of fisheries in Yellow and Bohai Sea is the requirement of persistent fisheries. Fishery Policy 2:11-12.
  83. Wang, P., Jiao, Y., Ren, Y., Zhong, C., and Yu, H. 1999. Investigation of biodiversity from spring catch in coastal waters of Laizhou Bay and Huanghe Estuary. Transaction of Oceanology and Limnology 1:40-46.
  84. Sun, T., Jiao, Y., and Zeng, X. 1999. The natural hybrid strain of Takifugu rubripes and Takifugu pseudommus in Laizhou Bay, the Bohai Sea. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao 29:239-242.
  85. Chen, D., and Jiao, Y. 1999. Coryphaena hippurus was found in the eastern Laizhou Bay. Marine Sciences 1:71-72.
  86. Ren, Y., Zhou, X., Jiang, Y., and Jiao, Y. 1999. Distribution of two commercial fish species in the Sierra Leone coastal waters. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology 3:58-64.
  87. Jiao, Y., and Chen, D. 1998. The major species of Ariidae and their distribution in the Western Pacific. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao 28:543-548.
  88. Chen, D., and Jiao, Y. 1997. Comparative study of marine fishes and their distributions in the China and Japan seas. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao 27:305-312.
  89. Jiao, Y., and Chen, D. 1997. On varieties of marine fishes in the Chinese Sea. Shandong Fisheries 14:18-20.

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Book chapters peer-reviewed

  1. ***Zhou, C., Browder, J., and Jiao, Y. 2023. The importance of ecological traits in assessing seabird vulnerability to environmental risks. In Bird and Reptile Species in Environmental Risk Assessment Strategies, edited by Guillermo E. Liwszyc and Marcelo L. Larramendy, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
  2. Jiao, Y. 2012. Fisheries stock assessment in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition, A.-H. El-Shaarawi and W. Piegorsch (eds).  John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 1031-1035. DOI: 10.1002/9780470057339.vnn036.
  3. Jiao, Y., Reid, K., and Smith, E. 2009. Model selection uncertainty and Bayesian model averaging in fisheries recruitment modeling. In The future of fisheries science in North America. Edited by R.J. Beamish and B.J. Rothschild. Fish and Fisheries Book Series No. 31, Springer, New York. pp. 505–524

Papers as reprints

  • Li X, Zhai T, Jiao Y., and Wang G. 2015. Using Bayesian hierarchical models and random forest algorithm for habitat use studies: a case of nest site selection of the crested ibis at regional scales. PeerJ PrePrints 3:e871v1

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