

Current graduate students and postdoc fellows

  • Andre Lai (MSc student, co-advised with Francesco Ferreti)
  • Jared Gladbach (MSc student)
  • Iman Pakzad (PhD student)

Student achievements/awards

  • Iman Pakzad, 2nd place Best Student Presentation Award, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2025
  • Jon Low, Burd Sheldon McGinnes Graduate Fellowship, 2022
  • Houston Chandler, Outstanding PHD student, Virginia Tech, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, 2022
  • Corbin Hilling, Massey Award, Virginia Tech, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, 2020
  • Rujia Bi, Dwight Chamberlain Graduate Wildlife Fellowship, 2020
  • Rujia Bi, AFS student travel award, 2019
  • Corbin Hilling, Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship ($80,000). 2018–2020
  • Corbin Hilling, Best Student Poster Award, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2018
  • Corbin Hilling, Dwight Chamberlain Graduate Fellowship, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech, 2018
  • Min Li, Ph.D. student study abroad fellowship from Chinese Scholarship Council, 2017-2019
  • Corbin Hilling, Department Nominee, Virginia Tech Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award. 2018
  • Corbin Hilling, Catfish Management Technical Committee Scholarship. 2017
  • Corbin Hilling, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, 2017
  • Corbin Hilling, Burd Sheldon McGinnes Graduate Fellowship, 2017
  • Corbin Hilling, Robert D. Ross Graduate Scholarship Award, Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2017
  • Qiuyun Ma, Ph.D. student study abroad fellowship from Chinese Scholarship Council, 2015-2017
  • Baochao Liao, Ph.D. student study abroad fellowship from Chinese Scholarship Council, 2015-2016
  • Matt Vincent, NMFS-Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship 2013 (fund returned back because Matt accept another PhD student position offer before the award came)
  • Yan Li, Massey Award, Virginia Tech, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, 2012
  • Yan Li, GSA (Graduate School Association) travel award, Graduate School, Virginia Tech, 2012
  • Man Tang, GSA (Graduate School Association) travel award, Graduate School, Virginia Tech, 2012
  • Irene Ballesta, TALENTIA Fellowship, 2010-2012
  • Man Tang, GSA (Graduate School Association) Graduate Research and Development Program (GRDP) Research Award, Virginia Tech, 2011
  • Yan Li, Outstanding Master Student, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech, 2011
  • Yan Li, International Student Award, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech, 2011
  • Hao Yu, International Association of Great Lakes Research-Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Student Travel Award, 2010
  • Hao Yu, International Student Award, 2009
  • Robert Leaf, Robert D. Ross graduate scholarship, Virginia Chapter of American Fisheries Society, 2009
  • Robert Leaf, Massey Award, Virginia Tech, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, 2009
  • Qing He, American Fisheries Society Equal Opportunities Section Travel Award, 2009
  • Chris Hayes, NOAA-Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, 2007
  • Robert Leaf, NMFS-Sea Grant Graduate Fellowship, 2006-2009
  • Hao Yu, Sussman Summer Environmental Fellowship, 2007

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Past graduate students



Year Graduated


Current positions


Chris Hayes


Investigating single and multiple species fisheries management: stock status evaluation of hammerhead (Sphyrna spp.) sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

National Sea Grant College Program, NOAA

Master students

Qing He


Investigating the performance of process-observation error estimator and robust estimators in surplus production model: a simulation study

first Ph.D. student, Department of Statistics, Emory University; then Data Scientist at Samsung SDS, AI R&D Lab


Yan Li


Investigating ecosystem-level effects of gillnet and trap-net bycatch in Lake Erie: implications for commercial fisheries management

first Ph.D. student under my supervision, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech; then postdoc University of California, Davis; then postdoc University of Pennsylvania; now Stock Assessment Scientist, Division of Marine Fisheries, NC Department of Environmental Quality


Man Tang


Bayesian population dynamics modeling to guide population restoration and recovery of endangered mussels in the Clinch and Powell rivers, Tennessee and Virginia

Ph.D. student, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech


Joshua Hatch


Ageing error of Atlantic weakfish and its influence in fisheries stock assessment through a simulation study

Research Biologist, Woods Hole, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA


Matt Vincent


The estimability of natural mortality in the age-structured models: a simulation study

Ph.D. student, Michigan State University


Irene Ballesta


Comparison of estimators for scalloped hammerhead shark stock assessment

Ph.D. student Researcher, ARAMACC, Royal Netherland Institute for Sea Research


Min Li



Ph.D. student, Department of Fisheries, Ocean University of China


Yafei Zhang


Influence of nonstationary models on the management strategy evaluation — An example based on weakfish along western Atlantic Ocean

Ph.D. student, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech



Allison White


Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in life history and productivity trends of Atlantic Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) and implications to fisheries management

Ph.D. student, Florida International University

Chad Wong


Design and Model-based Approaches for Estimating Abundance of American Horseshoe Crab

LGL Limited, Seattle, WA (Blue Leaf Environmental)

Jon Low


Characterizing early growth and reproduction of Blueline Tilefish (Caulolatilus microps) to inform stock assessments


Josephine Oakley


Striped bass and summer flounder population dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay: an ecosystem based evaluation



Robert Leaf


The evolutionary effects of fishing and implications for stock management and rebuilding

first Postdoc, NOAA; now Assistant Professor, The University of South Mississippi

PhD students

Hao Yu


The spatial and temporal dynamics of Lake Erie yellow perch fisheries

first Postdoctoral scientist, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory;

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Tusculum College; Research Professor, University of Michigan


Yan Li


Spatial dynamics modeling for data-poor species using examples of longline seabird bycatch and endangered white abalone

first postdoc University of California, Davis; then postdoc University of Pennsylvania; now Stock Assessment Scientist, Division of Marine Fisheries, NC Department of Environmental Quality


Dan Hua,


Assessment of the restoration of freshwater mussels in the Clinch and Powell Rivers in Virginia and Tennessee

Senior Scientist, Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency; Adjunct Faculty, Middle Tennessee University


Fan Zhang


Ecological modeling in a non-stationary world: factors affecting recruitment of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Erie

first postdoc, University of Guelph; now

Assistant Research Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland


Baochao Liao


Bayesian aspect in fish population dynamics

Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Shandong University, China


Qiuyun Ma


Random Effects in Life History and Population Dynamics

Assistant Professor, Shanghai Ocean University, China


Min Li


Role of space in the population ecology of migratory whitespotted conger (Conger myriaster)

Assistant Professor, LuDong University


Corbin Hilling


Population Dynamics Modeling and Management Strategy Evaluation for an Invasive Catfish

First Postdoc, U Toledo, then USFS, Maine

Then USGS,


Rujia Bi


Bayesian hierarchical approaches to analyze fish spatiotemporal dynamics


Postdoc University of Wisconsin-Madison; then ICCAT



Houston Chandler


Amphibian and reptile conservation in a changing environment: Case studies from the southeastern United States

The Orianne Society

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